The importance of holy week for every Christian

Holy week is not just a simple event in the entire world. This is the day or week of remembering our salvation when Jesus Christ died to the cross in the hand of Rome armies. He was suffered, insulted, and He never uplift His self, this is to show His greatest love to the humanities. He never use His power to protect Himself, for us to understand and remember His words, and follows the God’s will. The greatest and important message of the Lord was enumerated through different ways. He used different parable stories and sermons to deliver the message of God. These are the greatest love of God (John 3:16). 

But as a Christian, what are the importance of this event for us. First as long as we remember the crucifixion of Christ, we still honor Him from what He did. Some of Christians are ignoring this kind of honoring Jesus Christ. They are always fooling around; never surrender their selves to the Lord, never confess and they just ignoring the message of the Lord. Some are they just spent a time for this as a natural holiday. They are happy to have a long weekend, having a vacation, and having a double pay. Do you honor God at that way. May be today you are thinking. God is calling you to changed and follow Him.
Second, this event is remembering the time of calling as his followers. This will always remind us that Jesus shows His love, perseverance and sacrifices for us to understand the words of God in His way of sermons. These are what shall we do as He commanded before He go to the throne of Father in Heaven. To spread the words of God, accept Jesus as redeemer, and the way for us to be saved. 

Hope that this article help to remind you the importance of Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


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