
Showing posts from May, 2020

Blind Snake, The smallest snake in the world

A Blind Snake (Indotyphlops braminus) commonly known as Brahminy Blind Snake is often mistaken for earthworm because of this habit, appearance and size. According to Wikipedia, the adult measure 2-6 inches long, making it the smallest snake creation. This snake is known as nonvenomous snake creation which mean it's harmless to human. If you will see them in your house don't be scared, they are mostly stayed in the area of our house with slightly cool temperature.  I found this blind snake under the ground nearby our house Blind snakes mostly like as earthworms they are burrowing animals too. They consumed termites, ants, and other soft-bodied arthropods which all found in their habitat (the soil). This kind of small animals could help to control the population of other living organisms under the soil. Which they serves as the predator of small insects and arthropods under the soil habitat. sources:    •

How to inject iron properly in the piglets?

Young pigs require iron to help protect their bodies against potential illnesses. Pigs are born with approximately 40-50mg of iron reserves in their bodies, which can last for only four days. Therefore, supplemental iron should be given to young pigs as early as possible, preferably on their 3rd day after birth. An injection of 100mg/1ml of iron content should be administered to support their iron needs and prevent anemia, which can occur after 10-15 days. To improve the survival rate, another dose of iron should be given to the young pig on its 10th or 14th day after birth. A deficiency of iron, an essential mineral for piglets, can lead to anemia (a low level of hemoglobin in the red blood cells). Anemia can result in difficulty breathing for animals due to reduced oxygen transportation in the body, making the animal more susceptible to diseases. Here is the proper way to inject iron into piglets: Prepare a bottle of iron, a syringe, cotton, and alcohol. Fill the syringe with 1ml ...

Agta Tribe in Ocampo, Camarines Sur received Starter Kits from ATI Bicol

A TI Bicol had distributed starter kits to more than one hundred Indigenous People (IPs) of the Agta Tribe at Ocampo, Camarines Sur in their support to the Department of Agriculture Plant, Plant, Plant Program. Department of Agriculture will never stop by the Virus (COVID-19) to help communities who need their support.  ATI Bicol at Ocampo, Camarines Sur | ATI BICOL Facebook page "(In) coordinated by CARE-CD, an NGO, and the Center shall also improve the barangay communal garden in partnership with Barangay Chairman Eric Nape of Villaflorida, Ocampo, Camarines Sur." - ATI Bicol FB page

Requesting free seeds to DA makes easy for interested Filipino

T he DA-Bureau of Plant Industry makes close door service to all individuals or groups who have interest for planting. An easy way to request free seeds has been launched online using a Google Form. This is the newly strategy of DA-BPI to ensure the food sustainability and food security in every household during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Photo by Bureau of Plant Industry | Facebook Page DA chief said “Home gardening is a productive family activity during this quarantine period" The parent of every household must teach their children with new skills for them to learn an additional knowledge and ideas, especially in farming. This project of Department of Agriculture (DA) will serves as starter kit to start Urban Gardening. This form provided by DA-BPI is for individuals/households only. If you have an organization or you are one of this member you could sent them a request via email. Send a letter of request indicating relevant information; list of beneficiarie...

The Chicken egg hatching process

Chicken eggs need to be incubated at a temperature of 37 - 39 degrees Celsius, either through natural incubation or using an incubator. After 19 to 21 days of brooding, the first crack may become visible on the egg's surface. However, it is important not to assist the chick in breaking out of the shell at this point, as it can have severe impacts on the chick's health, especially if the eggshell cracks on the 19th day of incubation. The chicks should fully consume their food inside the shell. The yolk serves as a nutritive material during the embryonic period, while the albumen (egg white) provides protein for cell development. Both of these play an essential role in the embryo's development. What part does the chick use for pipping?  The Chick's Egg tooth, which is lost soon after hatching, is responsible for pipping. An egg tooth is a small, elongated bone above the upper mandible. The chick's neck muscle, called the pipping muscle, helps it reach the egg surf...