Do not patronizing animal online sellers without Animal Welfare Certificate of Registration
T he DA-Bureau of Animal industry (BAI) on their facebook page reminds the public to do not patronizing animal breeders, traders and those online sellers without Animal Welfare Certificate of Registration, this is due to the numerous complaints they have been received from the people who bought animals online. Which the animals have had serious health conditions differ from the heathy animals appeared online. The actual photo of the letter's header | DA-BAI facebook page On the letter signed by the BAI's Director, Bureau of Animal Industry gives some smart tips to all pet buyers out there. They highly recommend to buy from the reputable pet breeders or pet shops with Certificate of Registration from BAI; do a research; check if the pet is healthy, vaccinated and have an updated deworming record as signed and certified by a licensed Veterinarian; and the buyer shall demand for a written sale agreement to the seller. Always think and do a research before we click to...