Guest Posting

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Good Day Writer,

Farmer of God are welcoming all writers to shares their knowledge, skills, beliefs, testimonies, ideas and personal thoughts anchor to the objectives and purpose of this website. Don't keep your experiences, knowledge and blessings, instead share it to all interested individuals.
Your works will be featured only to FARMER OF GOD if you follows the below conditions: 

1. Contents must be anchored to the purpose of the website. Read About Us.
2. Only Personal website/blog is allowed as an external link from the works of the author. However, we may allow more than one up to three external links, if the links are signified with its good purposes.
3. No bad words used in the contents.
4. You can post your own affiliate articles.
5. Article Review about some products, Website, Apps and other brands that can give you a possible Income are also accepted.
6. Fake News and Article about war between Ukraine and Russia are not allowed.
4. Contents against the words of God will not be entertained.

*External links shall be inside the parenthesis after the word(s) with underline where you want to be linked.
*After submission, Wait for the approval of your blog.
*Don't hesitate to contact us.